In the end, I just resented the kitchen printer. I suppose it was the cumulative effect of it putting us in the shit. I just got sick of it. When I say it, what I really mean is Her. For some reason, I always associated the printer with being female. Not in any kind of misogynistic way, but I just did. She really started to piss me off every time she piped up.
I'm well aware though, that the noise she made, her talking, her voice, was the whole point of me being there. She was telling me that customers wanted to be fed the food I would prepare. If she wasn’t talking, what was the point? Forget the chef, she was the one who ran the kitchen. She spoke and we jumped. And yes, she had the final word. I learned that the hard way, early doors. I was in her command and she knew I knew it.
Irrational as it may be, I grew to hate her. She was so unpredictable. It was impossible to guess what she was going to say next. She just sat there, barking the orders to everyone and there was nothing we could do about it.
She knew when you were in deep. Of course she knew you were sinking, she put you there. On and on sometimes, sentence after sentence. Order after order. But it was double trouble. Not only did you have to listen to her, you had to look at what she said, on paper. In black and white. Sometimes she said so much, I looked at it and it made no sense because there was too much information. That was when I hated her the most.
When she’s wasn't talking it was worse. Her silence holding back the tide. The weight of the water building, ready to wash me away into the abyss as soon as she was good and ready. Then, boom, like a monotone Chas and Dave. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Why didn' she give it a rest.
But maybe I didn't hate her. Maybe I was getting it wrong and didn't realise it. I blamed her but maybe I was angry with myself. I was angry with her and it was ridiculous. She wasn't real. She didn't exist. She was a printer. It was a printer. I suddenly had clarity. It was me. I was to blame. I didn't want to be there. Nothing would change that. It was too hard. Escape plan needed. Exit stage left.......